NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING 10/8/2024 at 6 PM, Mitchell Pauʻole Center and on Zoom
NOTICE: The Molokai Heritage Trust’s Board of Directors will hold a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 6 PM at the Mitchell Pauʻole Center in Kaunakakai and on Zoom.
The Molokaʻi community at-large is welcome to listen in and give testimony to the Board of Directors on Agenda item 4: “Potential partnership with the Conservation Fund to acquire 900 acres of land in Wailau Valley”.
General purpose: The meeting’s purposes include: deciding whether to accept a partnership with The Conservation Fund to acquire land in Wailau Valley; announcing a schedule for monthly Regular Board meetings, a date for the Annual Membership Meeting, and a Special Election to fill a vacant Board of Directors seat; directing staff to reopen the Membership application process; creating a Finance Committee; addressing vacant Board Officer positions; and any other business the Board deems fit to consider.
Opening pule
Review and approve Minutes from August 29 Regular Board Meeting
Board Vacancy: Position No. 6
A Special Election will be held at the Annual Meeting to fill the position
Meeting Calendars
The Board will hold monthly meetings every second Tuesday with additional meetings as needed
The Board will announce a date for this year’s Annual Meeting
Reopening Membership application process
Potential partnership with The Conservation Fund to acquire 900 acres of land in Wailau Valley
Board presentation on details of potential partnership
Community comment (open to all Moloka’i community members)
Board vote on how to proceed
Other business of the Board of Directors
Establish a Finance Committee
Consider whether to fill vacant Kākau Moʻolelo (Secretary) Board Officer position
Voting Member feedback (may be opened to all Members at Board’s discretion)
Closing pule/oli
Related Materials: (click image to download .pdf file or download related materials here)
All Members are welcome to attend but are not required to do so. (This is a Board meeting not a Membership meeting, so Members are not obligated to attend under the Bylaws.) Please note that the entire Moloka’i community is welcome to ask questions and share their mana’o about the potential partnership with The Conservation Fund, so please feel free to invite your friends, neighbors, and ohana to attend this meeting even if they are not Members of the Trust.
If you have any questions or want additional information, please contact