NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING 8/23/2024 at 7 PM on Zoom
NOTICE: The Molokai Heritage Trust’s Board of Directors will hold a Special Board Meeting TOMORROW (Friday), August 23, 2024 at 7 PM on Zoom.
General purpose: The meeting’s purpose is to allow the Board to identify and review high-priority tasks and give staff direction and guidance on completing those tasks.
Opening pule
Voting Member comment (may be opened to all Members at Board’s discretion)
Identify and review high-priority tasks and give direction and guidance to staff re: completing same
Voting Member feedback (may be opened to all Members at Board’s discretion)
Closing pule/oli
Because this is a Special Board Meeting the Board is limited to the topics identified above.
Related Materials:
All Members are welcome to attend but are not required to do so. (This is a Board meeting not a Membership meeting, so Members are not obligated to attend under the Bylaws.)
If you have any questions or want additional information, please contact