NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING 8/23/2024 at 7 PM on Zoom

NOTICE: The Molokai Heritage Trust’s Board of Directors will hold a Special Board Meeting TOMORROW (Friday), August 23, 2024 at 7 PM on Zoom.

General purpose: The meeting’s purpose is to allow the Board to identify and review high-priority tasks and give staff direction and guidance on completing those tasks. 


  1. Opening pule 

  2. Voting Member comment (may be opened to all Members at Board’s discretion)

  3. Identify and review high-priority tasks and give direction and guidance to staff re: completing same

  4. Voting Member feedback (may be opened to all Members at Board’s discretion)

  5. Closing pule/oli 

Because this is a Special Board Meeting the Board is limited to the topics identified above.

Related Materials:

All Members are welcome to attend but are not required to do so. (This is a Board meeting not a Membership meeting, so Members are not obligated to attend under the Bylaws.)

If you have any questions or want additional information, please contact


NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING 8/29/2024 at 7 PM on Zoom


MHT Voting Members Elects its Board of Directors